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About the Global Citizen Award

For over 30 years, SCIC has celebrated people making important contributions to international cooperation, peace and global justice; and acknowledges the work being done for a more just, equitable and sustainable world, where no one is left behind.

Presented by the Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation, SCIC’s Global Citizen Awards take place annually during International Development Week, the first full week of February.

The Global Citizen Awards bring people from across Saskatchewan together to celebrate, to learn from one another, and to network and build relationships with like-minded people. Global Citizen Award honourees are nominated and selected through a peer-review process conducted by SCIC. Since it was initiated in 1990, over 100 Saskatchewan people, organizations, and campaigns have received the Global Citizen Award. During the more than 30 years of the award’s history, honourees have come from numerous backgrounds including educators, youth, community organizers, politicians, doctors, volunteers, and more.

How to Apply:

  1. Read the Criteria and required questions for a successful nomination (below)

  2. Gather information about your nominee. Please note that the more information the Awards Committee receives, the more chances that your nominee will get chosen for a Global Citizen Award.

  3. Fill out the Nomination Form.

Next Steps:

  1. Nominations are received and reviewed by the Awards Committee.

  2. Nominators and nominees are informed of the decision of the Awards Committee.

  3. Plans for the Global Citizen Awards are discussed with those who are selected, including an Awards Ceremony and/or other events as well as highlighting the nominees work through social media etc.

Next Steps:

  1. Nominees must be a resident of Saskatchewan or have a strong connection to this province by residing in SK for at least 5 years of the duration of their work.

  2. International cooperation/global justice and/or education work is undertaken by the nominee must be *non-proselytizing, as reflected in SCIC’s bylaws.

  3. International development and/or education work undertaken by the nominee must adhere to SCIC’s Statement of Development Principles.

  4. Nominees must take an active role in shaping a more just, equitable, and sustainable global community.

  5. Their work is innovative and provides measurable results in their respective field.

  6. Self-nomination vs. third party nomination: if you are nominating yourself, you will need third-party documents to substantiate a self-nomination including two references that can comment on the nominee’s work. The references must be recent and not personal connections i.e. family members.

  7. If you have nominated this person or yourself before and were not selected, you can apply again in subsequent years.

  8. Posthumous awards will be considered by the selection committee​.

*Recognized global standards clearly state that agencies may not condition the receipt of assistance or participation in their work on any requirement that people listen and respond to a message intended to induce people to join a religious movement, political party, or other cause of organization. Nominations for the 2025 awards are now open. 


  • Emerging Global Citizen Award

    1. Youth aged 17 and under.

    2. A young individual who has actively demonstrated interest, passion, and commitment to global justice issues, peace and solidarity.​

  • Youth Award

    1. Youth aged 18-35.

    2. An individual that is generating momentum for local to global change in their community.

    3. An individual who has demonstrated commitment to and shown a passion for global justice issues, international cooperation, peace and solidarity.

  • ​Lifetime Achievement Award

    1. An individual who has shown dedication, passion and commitment throughout their lives and has made important contributions to international cooperation, peace and global justice.

    2. The age requirement for these individuals is 36+, as we look to individuals who have an extended experience in their field.

    3. There is a pattern of continuous growth in their fields of work.​​​

Main Required Questions for a Successful Nomination

Each nominator is expected to provide details regarding the nominee’s background. It should be noted that the more information SCIC receives, the more chances that your nominee will get chosen for a Global Citizen Award.

  1. Please outline the nominee's achievements in the areas of international cooperation, peace and global justice and in what ways the nominee has contributed to their community. Please include information such as: a description of the nominees volunteer experience, a description of the nominees work experience. Make sure to include organization names, number of years of service, where the work took place etc.

  2. What motivates the nominee to participate in work dedicated to international cooperation, peace and global justice? (Minimum 250 words, maximum 800 words)

  3. How does the nominee improve community involvement and generating opportunities for other members who would like to contribute to international cooperation, peace and global justice?  (Minimum 250 words, maximum 800 words)

  4. How does the nominee's work and views promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion? (Minimum 250 words, maximum 800 words)

2024 Global Citizen Winners

Sean Bernard headshot.heic

"As I strive to reach out for action and opportunities, my inspiration thrives from the act of resilience and hope that is created within local, national, and international levels, as well as the inspiration from my culture and the diverse knowledge of others. Through the sharing of each others’ personal stories that can create a message and action of hope, the resilience of anyone, no matter age or story, can step up and create a positive change."

Sean Bernard

Emerging Global Citizen Award

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