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Saskatchewan Curriculum-Based Global Citizenship Education Modules

In a globalized world, humanity faces increasingly global challenges that require global solutions. This impacts K-12 teachers, teacher-educators, and curriculum developers, who must educate the next generation of global citizens. Schools need to prepare students to become critically informed, motivated, globally competent citizens with social problem-solving skills and a willingness to challenge misinformation and government inaction. Through global citizenship education, educators can support the development of 21st-century citizens that internalize the values, master the skills, acquire the knowledge, and experience the sense of empowerment needed to tackle these challenges. 

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Request a GCE Workshop

Material from the GCE modules can also be facilitated by an SCIC facilitator. If you are interested in bringing one of these workshops into your classroom click the button below! 

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Module 1 - Transforming Charity into Solidarity and Justice

The first module in our GCE series aims to guide students through understanding the potential and limitations of charity and how it necessitates global justice and solidarity.


Charity is aid given to those in need; justice is fairness, equitable distribution of wealth, resources and power among all members of society; and solidarity is unity of agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest.


If we can recognize the need for charity but understand that charity should not be viewed as a solution to many problems, then we will be able to see solutions at the root of the issues. Therefore, it is imperative that we dig deeper to identify and understand the root causes of poverty. This can be done, in part, through a justice and solidarity approach to global poverty.


NEW Module 1 is officially available in French! 

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Module 3 - Global Citizenship In The Classroom

The third module in our GCE series aims to guide students to understand and critique an increasingly interconnected and interrelated world. Students will develop critical and conscious citizenship skills, become more aware of personal impacts, and explore their roles and responsibilities as global citizens locally and globally.


Module 3 is officially available in French! 

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Module 2 - Understanding Power and Privilege through Anti- Oppression

This module addresses the gap in educator resources that investigate power and privilege, and that explore the complex global issues facing humanity today through the lens of anti-oppression, anti-racism, decolonization, root causes of poverty, and environmental sustainability.


The module focuses on increasing students’ understanding of how power and privilege impact people differently, and on building students’ capacity to recognize, analyze and challenge discrimination, and to work collectively in solidarity with people who are different from themselves.

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Module 4 - Gender Equity 

Our newest module aims to guide students to understand what gender equity is and how gender and equity relate to issues in their own lives, communities and around the world. Gender equity recognizes that people experience different barriers, benefits, responsibilities and access to resources according to their gender.


Gender equity education is of utmost importance. The introduction of gender equity to youth provides opportunities to endorse positive gender norms. Furthermore, gender equity education will provide students with the knowledge and skills to empower themselves and others throughout their lives.


Module 4 is officially available in French! 



We honour the treaties and ancestral lands of the Cree, Dakota, Dene, Lakota, Nakota, Saulteaux peoples, and Métis.


The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC) is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to advance sustainable global development. SCIC was formed in 1974 by international development and emergency relief agencies active in Saskatchewan.


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